Mom and Other Family

Remembering Mom

    Thoughts of Mom have been walking softly in the background of my mind for the past few days. Tangling up, over whelming and interrupting my current ones, sometimes I hear the echoes too … “LOYD MICHAEL”. I miss her, as I am sure all of us do in our own special way. January […]

Leonard and I

Leonard and I As told by Virginia Vauthier June, 2009 Loyd Michael and Lynn Monroe Vauthier were born early on the morning of Sunday, April 24, 1949 at Dublin Hospital in Dublin, TX  The twins were born six weeks early. Dr. Jordon, who was my doctor, had gone fishing so Dr. Bryan delivered the babies. […]

Charles Goodnight and Lonesome Dove

We are Kin folks, I am like a Seventh Cousin removed a couple of times or more, who is counting though, but find it kinda neat that we are remotely but still linked to my fellow and Famous Texan. Peter (2) Boucher, wife is Sarah “Sally” Goodnight. Sarah is the Daughter of Hans (John) Micheael […]

Partners in Adventure

As told by Virginia Vauthier Charles was lonely. His brother John Burns has just left for school at the University of Arizona. It wasn’t far away. The two boys had been doing everything together for so long it was like a part of him was missing. “Guess I will go for in the desert on […]

A Magic Moment Repeat

As told by Virginia Vauthier The old woman took her morning coffee and went to the front porch to sit in the chair by the little round table. It was 7:30 a.m. on a spring day in April. The roses had their first blooms. The calanchoe was still covered in red blossoms. The cottonwood across […]


As told by Virginia Vauthier There is no such thing. Everything happens for a reason. Some people just don’t carry through. Example: It is November in Texas, persimmon picking time. Virginia had sent her family in the D.C. area a box of persimmons. About ten days later there were still a good many on the […]

Wash Day

As told by Virginia Vauthier It was a warm summer day, Monday, June 1, 1942, wash day in the country, a day of work. Jenny, seven months along with her first baby, went to build the fire under the three legged black pot she used to heat the water to wash the dirty clothes in. […]

A Game to Remember

As told by Virginia Vauthier Lampkin was our archrival. Carlton and Lampkin had been a hard fought basketball game for years. No one could remember why, how or when the rivalry started. We would rather beat them than anyone in the district. Coach had been drilling us for two weeks – extra practice time, extra […]

A Night I Remember

As told by Virginia Vauthier This story was written and shared with my Sister by my Mother, Virginia Vauthier, of Dublin, Texas. This story was provided to the Texas Tortilla Factory from my Sister Barbara Vauthier-Wienberg. __________ It was Easter time in the thirties. I was 15 years old. There was a new dress I […]

Meme Story to Madeline

As told by Virginia Vauthier This story was provided to the Texas Tortilla Factory from my Sister Barbara Vauthier-Wienberg. This story was written and shared with my Sister by my Mother, Virginia Vauthier, of Dublin, Texas. __________ February 28, 2005 Dear Madeline, Have been thinking of you and your playing basketball. You are nice and […]

Our True Story, Mama’s Part

Our True Story, Mama’s Part This story is one of two, which Aunt Mary wrote down from a conversations she had with her Mother, Faustina Cline Ragland, and her Father, George Wallace Ragland. She typed both of the stories, drew some nice covers, and then stapled all the pages together. Its title is “Our True […]

Our True Story, Daddy’s Part

Our True Story, Daddy’s Part This story is one of two, which Aunt Mary wrote down from a conversations she had with her Mother, Faustina Cline Ragland, and her Father, George Wallace Ragland. She typed both of the stories, drew some nice covers, and then stapled all the pages together. Its title is “Our True […]